Sunday, March 10, 2019

Second Childrens Crusade

This blog post was updated on 12/02/2019.

Greta has now made Climate Change a childhood fear, the young Norwegian Girl, suffering from autism and selective mutism, issues well thought out press releases and speaks in front of nations, all on her own, without adult manipulation, script writers, coaches, press managers and stylists, really. Her boat and 5-7 crew's air travel from and to New York added immeasurable CO2 to the environment. Meanwhile US C02 production falls due to the use of natural gas, while China and India plan more coal plants, obviously they are not impressed with her "fear" that she wants us to "feel", and neither should we be.  

She is being used, manipulated by breathless media as the next big story (they want to be part of).  Frommer/Malthus pessimism about life continues, while population growth rates slow. Putting fear into children's lives so they can have a national student strike for the environment is irresponsible. Makes me wish for the return of the Nuclear Bomb drills we had in grammar school, a nuke would have been quicker, or we would survive huddled next to the brick schools walls and survived. With today's predictions everybody dies.   

Acting responsibly to not pollute the environment is critical. Natural gas, and eventually nuclear power when all the electric vehicle needs materialize is important. But virtue signalling, isn't respected by two larger economies to incorporate it in their growth plans. 30 years ago, June 1989 a "senior" UN environmental official predicted that if the trend is not reversed (worldwide it hasn't) by 2000 that entire nations could disappear. Meanwhile as the ice disappears in greenland we find Viking bones and artifacts. We've had global warming trends before when there was no C02.    

This entire scenario is reminiscent of two hypes.

1. The Y2K calamity at December 31st 1999

2. Plastic straws. Scant scientific evidence that plastic straws are an issue and unless all the plastic straws in the US are thrown in the Ocean no impact. It is the Pacific Rim nations that dump their garbage in the ocean, it is unreasonable to expect them to change.

We still have 18 years left to become extinct according to Al Gore. And 12 left  according to  Congresswoman Cortez. That averages to 15 years left in my life. Honestly, I'm not worried 

The Second Children’s Crusade... more zealous piety on parade. 

The Second Children’s Crusade led in part by the SunriseMvmt, dawned in Diane Feinstein’s office on February 23rd, 2019. In that meeting Children pled with Feinstein to adopt new green ideas so they would still be alive 12 years later. The children were mobilizing to prevent a climate catastrophe. Then, to add an ageist twist to the gathering, they demanded Feinstein look at their faces, the future victims (not you Diane, you’re old) of climate/global change/warming.   

The “first” Children’s Crusade assembled in 1212 under pre-teen leadership of two boys countries apart. Stephen of Cloyes in France and Nicholas of Cologne, one having seen Visions and another receiving a letter from Jesus Christ initiated a movement to retake Jerusalem. Their preaching and zealous piety created what some historians have called mass hysteria. 

It was not a crusade authorized or called for by the Pope as all previous and post crusades were. Official records and accounts are fuzzy and at times open to contrasting interpretations. Historians agree the Crusade totalled between 15,000 and 30,000 people including many of the marginalized people of the time who had neither the skill, money or weapons to recapture Jerusalem. Children had the largest representation. 

Thousands were led across the Alps to Italy dying along the way. Those surviving the trek expected the Mediterranean to part like the red sea. Muslim Armies would be convinced by sermons and witness to give up the city and return a relic of the true cross. Other members were lost at sea or sold into slavery. It was a disaster.

The populace of that time was ripe for naïve solutions. The prior crusades had failed. The believers knew the relic of the true cross would bring blessings, and Jerusalem would be wrested from the infidels pleasing God. The significance of these two events had been taught to the citizenry from the crib. Crusaders were heroes. Anyone losing their life in the process would be rewarded in heaven. Lacking prospects in the nasty brutish and short life of the underclass, these crusaders may have just been desperate.  
The second Children’s Crusade mirrors the first in many ways. There is a frustration with the lack of progress to address climate change, and a fear heading to desperation to consider how short their life on earth will be. The environmental green strategies have been taught in 21st century schools since kindergarten. The fear is fuelled in many ways and carried by the media, to the children. 

In a landing page headline for a popular ISP, TIME Kidz articles appeared about vanishing polar bears in a threatened environment. This is the practice of the Media running old stories to fit a current narrative. The TIME Kidz pictures of cute white Polar Bears drifting on ICE flows was proof positive we were losing our polar ice and would lose our polar bear population. The text was from the 12-year-old April 2006 edition of Time boasting “Be afraid be very afraid” of global warming.   

The Globe in February 2007 carried a worried heading on the stunning photographs of polar bears, well, just being bears. This coincided with the Nobel Prize winner AL Gore’s predictions in the 2006 Washington Post that in ten years the Earth could be a “frying plan” and humans could be extinct in 30 years. Recycling of old beliefs with no data makes the timing of the article, a twelve-year-old nugget suspicious.  

Into this frustration of inaction, and propaganda preparation steps a charismatic Cortez, a child herself, like a “cool” older sister who punctuated the children’s fear of imminent death, claiming ‘we have 12 years left’ and ‘we’re screwed’ before the planet becomes inhospitable or even dangerous. The first Children’s Crusade was moved by a zealous piety of hope, the second children’s crusade is moved by a zealous piety of fear. 
1212 parents locked their children at home to prevent them from being caught up in the Crusades and its speciousness. 2019 parents need to take their children aside and teach them to at least be suspicious. Since Malthus 220 years ago and Global Cooling alarmists of the early 70’s doomsayers to the 21st Century’s Global Climate Change (we can’t say warming anymore) panic have not been challenged adequately. 

I’m supposed to have already died of the Cold, and died of the Warming earlier but been given another 12 years by the Brooklyn Savant.

“I’m not dead yet’.

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